Our avaToolsuite enables you to carry out automated roll-outs of your applications in an environment-specific manner. This enables us to ensure that your applications are always up to date and running smoothly.
Our avasis consultants also take care of customizing your applications, including specific modules or workflows. We offer the following services, for example:
- Creating users
- Creating groups
- Managing authorizations
- Customizing stylesheets
- Setting up drawing headers with attribute mapping
- and much more...
With our expert knowledge and our avaToolsuite, we are able to respond quickly and efficiently to your individual requirements and ensure that your applications always meet the highest standards.

The avaToolsuite is the perfect solution for companies that want to take advantage of Continuous Integration and Deployment (CICD), DevOps and Managed Services without having to set up and manage their own infrastructure. Our comprehensive platform seamlessly integrates these aspects and provides you with all the tools you need to run your applications smoothly and efficiently. From the automated provision of code to the monitoring and maintenance of your applications - our experts are at your side.
Here are some advantages of the platform:
- Faster product iterations
- Time and cost savings with automated processes
- Logging and detailed tracking
- Application-independent automation possible
- Operation via simple web UI
- Visualization of errors
- Minimization of error sources
- Creation of standardized feedback loops for developers
With the avaToolsuite, we provide processes and automation that enable your development and operations team to always work together optimally.
Here are some of the benefits:
- Design and setup of the infrastructure
- Installation of all necessary components
- Configuration of all necessary components
- Establishing server connectivity (Jenkins and Ansible via SSH)
- Provision of applications for CI/CD servers
- avasis unity standardized GIT repositories
- Creation of Jenkins jobs/pipelines/scripts/playbooks etc.
- avasis Unity standardized Nexus filing structure
- Provision of a workflow for the use of CI/CD
- User management, maintenance and expansion
- Knowledge sharing

Would you like to find out more? Then contact us without obligation.