Freue Dich auf spannende Themen, viel Input, und Inspirationen für effizienteres Arbeiten.
Learn how avaWorkflow supports you in managing and using your documents and their templates efficiently – and fully digitalized!
In this webinar you get an overview of the new SMART standard format and existing services for the automated import of regulatory information from an external database. Moreover, the potential of AI and Large Language Models (LLM) are discussed. Last but not least, it is demonstrated, how the individual information units of a standard can be evaluated in a digitalized way, followed by efficient integration and traceability in requirements engineering as well as verification and validation documentation.
In this webinar we will introduce you to the new features in avaClinical 2.0 and their benefits.
In this webinar find out more on how avasis and their Polarion products can help you implementing state-of-the-art digitalized processes in the medtech industry.
In this on-demand webinar, we will use practical examples from our projects to explain which questions you should ask yourself as early as possible, what needs to be decided when selecting a possible software solution, what you need to decide internally BEFORE starting a digitization project, and how you can ensure that, in the end, software is implemented that users are really happy with.
It's no secret: One of the biggest challenges in product development are "silos" of information. They arise from processes that are not interlinked and specialist process teams that are not able to exchange information efficiently.
In this TechTalk, avasis presents a compact summary of the most important aspects as well as do's and don'ts for successful implementation projects based on over 20 years of experience.
Regulatory requirements for clinical evaluations of medical devices increased over the last years. An important tool to reduce time and labor are software solutions for digital documentation.