Freue Dich auf spannende Themen, viel Input, und Inspirationen für effizienteres Arbeiten.
In this webinar find out more on usability engineering as product lifecycle processes within the quality management system, commonly unseen usability activities and their benefits, the important role of the task analysis, user interface specification and integration of clinical evaluation and post-market surveillance data.
In this webinar, we will present you our new Polarion solution avaADVERSE, which was developed for a digitalized procedure for searches in adverse event databases and an automated interface to the FDA databases MAUDE and Recall.
Post-market Surveillance (PMS) is one of the most complex processes in medical device quality management systems due to its interface to many other processes. Get more Information in this TechTalk.
Dieses Webinar gibt einen Überblick über die Coding Struktur und verwendete Kategorien von Terminologien. Darauf basierend wird erläutert, wie das Coding für verschiedene Prozesse des Qualitätsmanagementsystems angewendet wird.